Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Having exam tomorrow and now this.

What is it that you want. Really.
It's been so long, what do you want from me.
Can't you just let the matter rest?
What do you gain from keep asking and asking with getting the same answer?
Hello? MOVE ON.

No point in asking me to meet up.
No point in wanting to talk.
There is nothing serious between us and there is nothing that we have to say.

Don't think that I can't get over you.
Don't think that I still have feelings for you.
Don't think that there will still be any chance that I will be back to you.
NO. Really no.

Don't think that I can't get over you.
I've never blogged anything about my relationship before.
Congrats, you're the first.

But sorry, it's not a nice post.
It's not anything that I'm proud of.