For lessons I mean, not officially.
I guess the 3 years in RP did make an impact although I really hate it sometimes.
The people I meet. Crazy, fun, irritating, annoying etc.
I had a total of 5 different classes and had a hell lot of hi-bye friends.
Some don't even bother to say hi.
We're as good as strangers. The negative side of having too many different classes.
Anyway, pros and cons.
Well, I'm still glad that there are some really fun people I've met in these 3 years and are still in contact.
Mainly people from my year 1 classes.
W34L, W35E.
Xinyi, Grace, Beelin, Junhan, Shirley, Cheng Heng, Nielsen, Ruby, Sarah, Jon.
Pardon me if I miss out anyone. But they are the ones that I won't forget for sure.
Unforgettable people (:
Hmm, I don't really like my year 2 classes.
But yah, there are still people that are fun to be around.
Jovi is one very random close friend in one of my year 2 class that I gained. Thanks to the Korea trip. Haha.
Otherwise I don't think we'll be talking much anyway.
My 猪大姐 LOL.
Other than him, people that I'm closer to now from year 2 class would be Dom and Keith.
The 2 most random people that I'm still in contact with currently. Lol.
Fun people to be around!
Year 3.
First semester at intern. Gained colleagues instead of friends.
Pretty glad that I'm attached to Philips with awesome colleagues who are patient enough and not blow their top for any mistakes that I had made.
Semester 2, the most recent class.
Totally insane classmates.
We may not be extremely united as a class but they are seriously fun to be with.
A very noisy bunch though. But that's where all the jokes and nonsense comes in.
Love all of them.
& I'm super extremely ultimately glad that this semester, all my faci are awesome.
Okay lah, maybe the Lean faci not as awesome but whatever :X
& of course not forgetting my FYP team mates.
Huiying, Dionis, Caroline, Eugene.
From the start other than Huiying I basically know none of them.
But they are friendly and fun enough to be with lah.
Although still a bit awkward at times cause it's as though we come from different worlds.
Still, pulled thorough the 15 weeks and completed the damn FYP :D
( Just realized. I have totally no photos with my FYP mates at all.. )
& also, thanks to RP, I got to travel to Korea as well as the upcoming Hong Kong.
The only thing I love RP for other than just giving me a chance to meet all the wonderful peeps! Heee (:
This sums up my life in poly I suppose? Heh.
Enough of blabbering.
1 week to the last UT that I'm gonna take in RP.
Get it done and that's it.
16 days.