Finally, today marks the end of FYP. Eh actually not really uh. Still have company presentation next week. Anyway, done with school so at least 1 less thing to worry about already.
Presentation today didn't go too well for me I think. Stuttered. Eh, ah, erm.. All came out -.- #FAIL
But it's over. So pass can already. Pretty please!
2 weeks later UT3. Get it over and done with and I will be done with RP! I guess I will still miss school although I complain a lot. Heh.
But for sure, I will miss my beloved classmates over these 3 years.
Nothing to be happy of graduating actually. Cause? Job, money, future. I'm clueless.
& I miss your nonsense.
Really don't know why it has to be this way suddenly.