Wednesday, February 01, 2012

We will be young and wild and free

Finally, today marks the end of FYP. Eh actually not really uh. Still have company presentation next week. Anyway, done with school so at least 1 less thing to worry about already.

Presentation today didn't go too well for me I think. Stuttered. Eh, ah, erm.. All came out -.- #FAIL
But it's over. So pass can already. Pretty please!

2 weeks later UT3. Get it over and done with and I will be done with RP! I guess I will still miss school although I complain a lot. Heh.
But for sure, I will miss my beloved classmates over these 3 years.

Nothing to be happy of graduating actually. Cause? Job, money, future. I'm clueless.


& I miss your nonsense.
Really don't know why it has to be this way suddenly.